Revised Personas

Name: Jonathan Bean
Demographic: 57, male, white, college professor, Catholic
Descriptive Title: a knowledgable person on Asian Americans
End Goals: He hopes to retire in 7 years and moves to a place by the ocean.
Quote: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are
A Day in a Life Narrative:

He gets up at 7 am and reads news. At 8:30 he goes to work and starts his day as the chair of the department. He is keen to learn everything digital and willing to use the digital means in his teaching and research. He loves exercising in the gym and often complains he is too busy to do that. He’s a very nice person and love helping students and any person he can help out. His wide reading and friendly personality give him rich knowledge of Asians and Asian Americans. Actually he is a fighter for equal civil right and serves on the committee of civil rights of Illinois.
End Goals: He hopes to retire in 7 years and moves to a place by the ocean.



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