Update On My Project IV

This week, I continue to upload the material needed for my project. Besides the Chinese in America, I think it is good to add the historical context before the Chinese arrived in America, starting from the old China trade between the U.S. and China.

Besides updating the material, I also tried out the technical features of Omeka such as simple pages and added some features on the front page.

For the rest of this week, I plan to finish the uploading work and construct the website. The school library is closed now due to the Covid-19. This creates some problems to borrow books for reference. Not all things I need are on the Internet such as a brief history of China or the immigration history of America. I need these books to check if I leave out any important event in Chinese Americans’ history.

Besides this problem, I need to learn the technical features of Omeka to make the website look more beautiful and professional. I hope I can finish uploading material as soon as possible then have more time to study Omeka.

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