Sixth Piece of Puzzle

I am building my project on the Women’s Suffrage Movement on Omeka. Up to now, everything has gone well.

I had a few technical problems but solved them with the aid of Internet or found substitutes which can make the same effect on the website. For example, in my Omeka project on the Chinese At America’s gate in the last semester, I used Youtube Import plugin to move the metadata and link of a youtube video into the Omeka. It’s faster, convenient and gets as much metadata as possible. But this time when I do the same thing, Omeka keeps reminding me I maxed out the API quota while I only imported the links of a few short videoclips. It turns out it may not my problem but the developer’s because Blackboard had the same problem earlier this year. So, after  many trials, I find a substitute to embed a video in the webpage but I still need to enter metadata manually.

Currently I am building the project as I planned and with the material I have found. My next step is after finishing this project building, I will check and refine each part. For example, I will see if I will have more good ideas about the final project the students will do, find more interesting primary sources of U.S. women’s suffrage, or learn new digital skills that make my website look better.


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