
I am a PhD candidate of history of Southern Illinois University and my research area is transnational history. Currently I am writing my dissertation on the first Chinese woman who obtained the medical degree as well as the college degree in the United States.

Before returning to school again, I worked as a TV journalist of international news and edited news videos. It’s my first time to have hands-on experience on media and it sparked my interest in how to use technologies and media to tell stories interestingly. I returned to school because I wanted to have full-time research on history of the world.

I first heard of digital humanities from my advisor and it immediately attracted my attention. I did not hesitate to enroll in such a program when I learned I could do it online. What I have learned in the program has been very interesting and I look forward to public history I will learn this semester.

Actually I have no clear idea about what public history is and what both historians and the public do in it. But I presume it is to manifest history in public to the audience. I guess I will have profound understanding of public history at the end of this semester.

My learning goal of this semester is 1. to have full understanding of public history. 2. to explore how it can expand and deepen my research area using what I learn this semester. 3. I know public history deeply involve the public so I hope it can benefit my history teaching in the future.

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