1904 Birth Certificate Henry Lee

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1904 Birth Certificate Henry Lee


No. 77, Certificate of Birth, Department of Public Health, City of and County of San Francisco, State of California Register No. 4668, Volume K, page 84 Name: Lee, Henry, sex: Male, Race: Mongolian, Date of Birth: March 29th 1904 Name of father: Lee, Charles, Name of mother [before marriage]: Mary Sullivan Nativity of Father: China, nativity of Mother: Ireland, Occupation of parent: cook Residence of parents: 922 Washington St., name of physician or midwife: M. G. Warley, M.D. signed 29th day of April A.D. 1904, D. F. Ragan, M.D., Health Officer Henry Lee was living in Chicago in 1933.


Lee Wing (Henry Lee), Certificate of Birth, San Francisco, CA; 29 April 1904, Chinese Exclusion Act case files, RG 85, National Archives-Seattle, Box 593, Case 7030/5483.




“1904 Birth Certificate Henry Lee,” The Chinese At America's Gate, accessed July 27, 2024, https://drlixiao.net/ChineseinAmerica/items/show/63.